DC crew at @convergese <3

DC crew at @convergese <3
@aemam @vajaah @convergese @WDGTweet Def. I’ll be around. DCers here also include @jfc3 @whistle @starsoup7 @NguyetV
@starsoup7 @nguyetv @convergese @jaredcunha Got mine too.
The dates have been announced for @convergese 2013 in Columbia, SC – April 25th-27th convergese.com /ht @willimac
@brownpau @carlsmith’s talk was awesome. I saw it at @convergese
After @ConvergeSE I have gained 3 pounds. That’s all of the knowledge that went straight to my brain, right?
Good thing @convergese tweeted everything these past two days because I forgot everything last night.
Big thanks to @genecrawford and the @convergese crew for bringing everyone together for another fun and inspirational year in Columbia!
@convergese I notice a trend with telecommunications companies and poor customer service.
@convergese I consider myself an all end developer. Frontend and backend. Works great!
@convergese Try out codecademy.com/ to learn JavaScript
I think @samanthatoy just taught me how to design @convergese
@convergese GO DC! /cc @samanthatoy @jfc3
@jenseninman and @carlsmith should totally host a telethon. cc/ @convergese
@jenseninman Your nephew needs the HTML for babies book is.gd/Hl3vL6 cc/ @convergese
@convergese List of dummy image websites for rapid prototyping in the browser. is.gd/SUR0hC
@convergese The “testing team”? That is a weird way to spell users…
@convergese Slow and methodical prototyping doesn’t get the credit it deserves…
@carlsmith sounds like a big friendly jellyfish pimp. @convergese
Picked up a MailChimp knit hat thus completing my MailChimp clothing collection. @convergese
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.