@zachleat @raymondcamden @davatron5000 But it felt so good after a good defrag. I always thought things felt faster. They probably weren’t actually faster though.
@zachleat @raymondcamden @davatron5000 But it felt so good after a good defrag. I always thought things felt faster. They probably weren’t actually faster though.
@MrBrianHinton @davatron5000 This is the one we had installed navieninc.com/products/npe-240a
@MrBrianHinton @davatron5000 The water? Yes. It happens rather fast for the sinks closer to the tankless water heater. The master shower is the farthest away and takes a good 30 seconds to heat up. Same problem with a tank water heater though.
@davatron5000 Tankless is awesome especially if you have a large household. We figure it saves us about $15-$20 a month vs our old inefficient tank water heater.
@MrBrianHinton @davatron5000 Mine has a tiny recirculating tank so the water is a little warm. I don’t think it does much.
@davatron5000 @danmall Focus on focusing
@ShopTalkShow @davatron5000 @jamstackconf How come no one has made a static sure generator called Strawberry Jam yet…
After listening @chriscoyier & @davatron5000 talk about @Coil on @ShopTalkShow I signed up and added it to dummyimage.com
Now you can pay creators for time spent on site. It’s an interesting experiment.
@davatron5000 @ShopTalkShow re: podcasting habits
I’ve been with most of the podcasts I listen to since the begining. I took a break when I switched jobs and didn’t commute as much. I’ve since caught up and listened to most of the back episodes.
@davatron5000 But it ends if you scroll up 🤔
@davatron5000 Sweet! I have the same desk but I built a custom wood top to have room for two computers and paper junk on the side.
I marvel at people who can keep up a clean office space.
@davatron5000 meh.. ok
@davatron5000 @chriscoyier @jmm More like Snap, Oregon. Amirite?
@davatron5000 Reminds me of this blog post about another dev who made a shed danielbachhuber.com/2018/01/18/s…
@davatron5000 Start researching your genealogy
@davatron5000 But it’s not howling now is it?
@davatron5000 @ShopTalkShow “Automate your responsibilities”
Thanks for coming to my TED talk
@davatron5000 re: responsibilities and bills from the latest @ShopTalkShow
I automate all of my bills so they can never be late. One less thing to think about.
He tweets while waiting at a red light
@davatron5000 And here they are without CSS. OH GLAVEN!
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.