@davatron5000 Have you considered an open home office? They’re al the rage these days.

@davatron5000 I dunno @ShopTalkShow isn’t half bad…

@davatron5000 C:exe

@davatron5000 I made a folder called Utilities in Documents and put them in there

@davatron5000 err Doinker stupid auto correct.

@davatron5000 More like Dinkier amirit?

@davatron5000 How about a stupid big monitor to go with it?

@davatron5000 AMPPS for LAMP stack server, SmartGit for um… Git, FileOptimizer nikkhokkho.sourceforge.net/stati…

@davatron5000 sounds like a handy function.

@chriscoyier @davatron5000 I do not understand using a wireless keyboard if you’re at your desk all day.

@davatron5000 @rauhryan Our ZenHub is never-ending but there are milestones you can filter by.

@davatron5000 It lines up with out internal workflow: Every monday we triage new issues and assign tasks to Up Next and In Progress…

@davatron5000 Pardon my giant screenshot…

@davatron5000 We’ve been using ZenHub for a while and it’s really nice and pretty similar. zenhub.com/

@davatron5000 What’s a good metric for a “useable” state?

@davatron5000 info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/ThePr…
1 request | 2.4KB | 237ms Finish | 374ms DCL | 374ms Load

@davatron5000 HTTP/2 is the bomb diggity

@davatron5000 Throttling the network really shows the progressive JPGs in action as it loads.

@davatron5000 It is a picture blog. Probably makes a difference that the window is squished that way since I’m using srcset…