@dextr0us You’ll have to post pics on your blog.
@dextr0us You’ll have to post pics on your blog.
@dextr0us That will happen once Pownce adds posting to it’s API
@grobertson & @dextr0us: Do you know anyone from Cinematical.com, I know the perfect blogger they should add to their team. Satt!
Zune crashed listening to @dextr0us from the 404 Show. Now I need to format and resync my 41 gigs of media. Technology sucks.
@dextr0us: Why is Diggnation on Cnet?
@dextr0us What’s wrong with Super Mario Brothers?
@dextr0us The only one who can give you a Hulu invite is hulu itself.
@chrisvanpatten @dextr0us does!
@dextr0us Screw the Animation codec
@dextr0us Vegas 8 just launched 😉
@dextr0us I know Perian supports FLV playback is there any way to export FLv’s from it? urltea.com/1gvj
@dextr0us How do you like Skate? It looks like a neat game.
@dextr0us Yes, both programs suck compared to Sony vegas!
@dextr0us ooo podcasting ideas? I’m intriguied
@dextr0us Congrats on the engagement!’
@dextr0us Was your friend interviewing at Happy Cog? How did it go?
@dextr0us You’ve got a g/f? Congrats! I know that was one of your goals for the new year!
@dextr0us: Aren’t you trying to lose weight? How is Coca Cola going to help
@dextr0us: Engadget provides the best Live blogging experience.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.