The crew at @fathomcreative are sketching in prep for #OSSBBQ and it looks awesome: is.gd/nZAiwH @dcjquery @dcphp @WordPressDC
The crew at @fathomcreative are sketching in prep for #OSSBBQ and it looks awesome: is.gd/nZAiwH @dcjquery @dcphp @WordPressDC
Thanks again to @addthis for all the food and drinks last night and @fathomcreative for the space. We hope you had a great time. #ossbbq
Tonight at @fathomcreative is the DC Droids meetup, not WordPress DC. See you Feb. 21: meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/51…, then back to the 2nd Tuesday.
Thanks to @asolove and @mainerefugee for their great presentations tonight! Thanks @fathomcreative and @saucelabs for sponsoring!
Join us tonight at 7:00pm at @fathomcreative. We’ll have pizza thanks to @MSQRealEstate. RSVP: meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/46…
Tonight, @WordPressDC at @fathomcreative is.gd/M29R2v
If you don’t want to hear boring #keynotes at #decweek come hear about why Drupal Sucks at @fathomcreative #dcphp – meetup.com/DC-PHP/events/2973321…
Tonight, @WordPressDC has a couple exciting talks with big wigs flown in from Cali! At @fathomcreative is.gd/5J1tZi #wpdc
I hear smart people will be there RT @JohnPBloch Very excited about the @WordPressDC meetup tonight at @fathomcreative.
Don’t forget, dcjq[8] is tonight @fathomcreative at 7pm (that is, of course, if we don’t have another earthquake)!
I should just camp out @fathomcreative this week #PHP #wpdc
Special cameo made by my head! RT @elizabeth_shell #WordPressDC presi by @greglinch @fathomcreative gallery. is.gd/lboJq4
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.