@mr_suh @nekolaweb Has a wedding ring. I don’t think you’re that interested.
@mr_suh @nekolaweb Has a wedding ring. I don’t think you’re that interested.
@nekolaweb Except he’s taller and has slightly messier hair. And a mustache. And he’s using a PC.
@nekolaweb Working at the Open Gov Hub this afternoon and there’s an older doppleganger of you.
@nekolaweb Why? They’re a store. They can sell whatever they want.
@_brianknapp @mr_suh @JoannaBrenner @nekolaweb @benjiwo But CMSes enable people without knowledge of HTML to be able to manage the website.
@_brianknapp Hey @mr_suh, @JoannaBrenner, @nekolaweb, @benjiwo Do you hate your CMS? #cmslove
@nekolaweb So you had a good time at #aeadc I take it?
“81% of SaaS websites running a content management system utilize WordPress.” – @nekolaweb medium.com/@nekolaweb/saas-compa…
@nekolaweb **waves**
@nekolaweb @ChrisVanPatten I just signed up for Google Music today because I guess I’m too much f a Google fanboy.
@mr_suh @nekolaweb I will metaphysically stick around
@mr_suh @nekolaweb we’re the ones here
@mr_suh I thought you were coming to WordPress DC? You’re missing tacos and @nekolaweb
@nekolaweb It’s like @mollyrohal as a WordPress plugin.
@nekolaweb He answered my question.
@nekolaweb @pjdeckert Sorry. I don’t do sponge baths.
@nekolaweb @pjdeckert googled “Facebook follower purge”, copied the first link, tweeted. This is called journalism, right?
@nekolaweb Sounds like if you need Google Analytics you should probably upgrade.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.