@jrocco I can’t take credit for the interface, that would be @nekolaweb
@jrocco I can’t take credit for the interface, that would be @nekolaweb
@bookofjoe @nekolaweb That’s the big deal. Nothing special happened.
@nekolaweb Was hoping it was an eating contest not a trivia contest. I have a chance at an eating contest.
@bookofjoe @nekolaweb Go to pewresearch.org, resize your browser window smaller then larger then smaller. See how the site responds.
@nekolaweb @mr_suh Watch/listen: 1) twit.tv/show/triangulation/107 2) youtube.com/watch?v=8QyVZrV3d3o
@nekolaweb Your commits are actually understandable.
@nekolaweb You could +1 it.
@nekolaweb @mpiccorossi Those are not as they happen. It’s pure visual fluff. Click Google Trends in the bottom right.
@nekolaweb Girls Under Trees go to 36:30 vimeo.com/20881152 and then go back and watch the whole talk.
@nekolaweb Duh ghosts are real. They leave their droppings everywhere collegehumor.com/picture/6836810…
@nekolaweb These same people might react the same way if you said “On a typical day, I don’t ride a tractor at all.”
@nekolaweb @will_koper @aaronjorbin I don’t need Pinterest to tell me what women like whatculture.com/wp-content/uploa…
@nekolaweb Welcome to a year ago.
@aaronjorbin Blame @nekolaweb who actually built it. I actually had nothing to do with it.
@nekolaweb What? The boring old flip clock? Not Plant Trees or Wiper Typography?
@mr_suh To eat all of the cookies on my desk cc/ @nekolaweb
@clarissa Yes’m along with @nekolaweb @beepybop and @mpiccorossi
@ChrisVanPatten The templates for each quiz can be customized like any other WordPress template file. @nekolaweb built them though…
@JoannaBrenner @nekolaweb @brian_k_bailey replygif.net/i/257
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.