@Rmmmsy Usually not unless the same icon is used for different post types. But any bloat of inlining identical SVGs would be negated via gzip. I don’t see what advantage using <symbols> would get you.

@Rmmmsy But then you have to load all of the SVGs at once even if you only use one

@Rmmmsy Also glitter, the herpes of the crafting world

@Rmmmsy Plastic coins in kids toy cash registers. They get all over the place.

@Rmmmsy @round You could watch youtube.com/watch?v=4Q7FTjhvZ7Y or e-Dreams amzn.to/2FAAk9x

@Rmmmsy One of my back burner ideas for the longest time is to make a PHP port of Prism.js for server side rendering of code snippets that are compatible with their themes.
‘Cuz it’s just regex. How hard can it be?

@Rmmmsy @andybelldesign @davatron5000 Any use of ternaries shall result in 30 days in jail for the author…

@Rmmmsy I totally use a GUI Git client and not the command line too

@Rmmmsy John Friendster Kennedy

@Rmmmsy Here’s the flip side: They could have liked you enough that they made a new position for you and then 3 months later let you go.

@Rmmmsy Well look at you now

@Rmmmsy It’s because you were too good. The end.

@Rmmmsy @calder12 There’s also pagely.com/blog/northstack-serve… and getshifter.io

@Rmmmsy @calder12 Alright if you’re really concerned about cutting off the WordPress admin you could restrict by IP and require a VPN. For the database you can create a read only user for your graphql thingy.

@elgreg @Rmmmsy Can I play the obnoxious morning radio show sound effects?

@Rmmmsy @kingkool68 OHH hahaha.
I thought it was some 80s movie quote.
Omg this is hilarious Russell

@Rmmmsy @round It’s ok he’s a UXer…