@shortxstack Still going strong here
@shortxstack It’s an Easter miracle! (Hard to tell in the photo but she fell asleep)
@shortxstack My 3 year old has totally given up naps. Now it’s just meltdown terror before bedtime instead of midday meltdown terror.
@kevcody @shortxstack Yes! This. I loved these things.
@shortxstack Cute Sox/slippers
@shortxstack Next time you can use a hair dryer (on cool) and a plastic bottle
@shortxstack @mtclemente Popcorn Hour is old?
I remember the P2P days of Morpheus, eMule, and LimeWire. I couldn’t imagine downloading videos from there back then because it would probably take weeks.
@shortxstack @eric_capuano Here in MD they were all told to close at 5 pm today. Ours followed public school closures 2 weeks ago.
@shortxstack Fun challenge: You should get the twins to recreate the Smashing Pumpkins “Siamese Dream” album cover.
@shortxstack You can make a cardboard dome instructables.com/id/Cardboard-P…
@shortxstack @joshskidmore These are good
@shortxstack At least you can rerun, SSH in where it died, and poke around a bit.
@shortxstack Worse than bath crayons?
@shortxstack That’s usually my meal too since Dad rules are you have to finish what your kids don’t eat.
@shortxstack Makes me wonder how things like buildings and bridges get built if everyone is just making it up as they go along.
@itakenaps @shortxstack Do they like colors? My 2 year old picked it up pretty quickly with help from her older sister.
@shortxstack It took a while to figure out how to set it up so now that it is working we don’t touch it. We just had to say “don’t get up until it turns green” and that worked for the now 5 year old. If they’re ignoring it promise them a reward like stickers if they wait to get up.
@shortxstack Worth every penny. Worked for my kids. amzn.to/2VgUg9i
@DFIRmadness @shortxstack We stayed in and cooked and there was still fighting and bickering. And kids asking for everything under the sun and not eating it 😡
@shortxstack I don’t get it. I’ve eaten 3 boxes of thin mints and I’m still fat. How many does it take?