@tomfinley @courtneyr_dev @WordPressDC Well then count me in. I love talking to my screen!
@tomfinley @courtneyr_dev @WordPressDC Well then count me in. I love talking to my screen!
@courtneyr_dev @tomfinley Oh man I’m too far out of the city to reliably make it in to DC but I retweeted to boost the message. Glad @WordPressDC is getting back together
🚨Calling US #WordPress Meetup metropolitian organizers🚨
✨@WordPressDC is rebooting! We’d like insight into organizing in a post-Covid world, in a way that respects the plurality of the community & how people likely want to show up & learn/network via different modalities.
@WordPressDC And it was actually delicious as said
@WordPressDC @nacin @anthonydpaul @kingkool68 @lelandf @taupecat @courtneydawn @bethsoderberg We’re hiring a FT web designer for our wordpress site @WeRecyclePaint. Can you help us spread the word? paintcare.org/about/#/jobs-rfps
It’s what you’ve been waiting for… @WordPressDC’s FIRST EVER Q&A event. Come out tomorrow to get your questions answered & help folks with a few of theirs. bit.ly/2wN6nxF
Don’t know where to begin with #WordPress’ new editor, #Gutenberg? Fear not, @bethsoderberg & @WordPressDC have you covered. Come out to U.Group tonight for snacks + a Gutenberg crash course! #TechTuesday #eventsinDC bit.ly/2YwXNyK
Had a great time hanging out with the @WordPressDC crowd last week! @BigCommerce
Slides from my talks at @WordPressDC tonight on SVGs (kingkool68.com/wp-svg/#/) and Dynamic Image Resizing in WordPress (kingkool68.com/making-images-sma…)
Thanks @agencyCHIEF
Come out to CHIEF *tonight* as we welcome @WordPressDC presenter @kingkool68 set to give talks on scalable vector graphics + on-demand image resizing in #WordPress. RSVP ➡️bit.ly/2DcK7B6 #WordPressDC #DCtech #SVGs
In the DC area tonight? Come by @agencyCHIEF, eat some pizza, and here me talk about dynamic image resizing and SVGs for @WordPressDC
Here’s the video of my “Learn Gutenberg” session for @WordPressDC / @WordPressNoVa the other night 🙂
TL;DW – New to WP? Play around. Have a site? Test it. Don’t want it? Know your options. Most in the crowd were new and excited!
Watch it here – buff.ly/2Qd1HJQ t.co/zJvu0Ju2UY
First night back from @WordCampLondon and speaking at the @WordPressDC Meetup group on #Gutenberg
If you’re in the DC area please come out to @agencyCHIEF!
Excited to talk #Gutenberg at my hometown @WordPressDC ! twitter.com/WordPressDC/status/9…
First “Official” Branch of WPDC Meetup Tonight talking about Freelancing vs. Solopreneur @bsp_design @WordPressDC bit.ly/2A6RZk8
Steve Carr presenting at tonight’s @WordPressDC Meetup! #WordPress
Slides for my talk tonight at @WordPressDC! #WordPress #SEO #backlinks buff.ly/2fpQLe4
A special thank you to all my fellow @WordPressDC @WordCampDC organizers, past and present. We came together last night for a photo… #WCDC t.co/1VbzYKHkM1
@aaronjorbin @WordPressDC @wordcampdc Yes definitely didn’t make that one.
@aaronjorbin @WordPressDC @wordcampdc Where was the first meet up at? Trying to think of the first WordPress DC Meetup meet up I went to…
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.