@meyerweb @zeldman @chriscoyier @davatron5000 @ShopTalkShow Ooo that’s a lotta <div>s

@zeldman @meyerweb @chriscoyier @davatron5000 @ShopTalkShow There was mention of a demo with a bunch of <div>s and using :has() to do some sort of interactive lighting them up or something. Is there a link for that?

Today is #BlueBeanieDay, an annual international celebration of web standards.
Many thanks to all who help to develop standards, promote the open web and web accessibility (special ht (ha ha) to @zeldman)

@zeldman Vanilla Ick

@zeldman @lastfm @lastfmstatus I scrobble to @ListenBrainz as well for a backup

@nell @zeldman @alistapart Frontend Architect or UI Architect.

@zeldman There’s an app which makes adding emojis like in Slack (:thumbsup:) work OS wide matthewpalmer.net/rocket/

@zeldman No :focus states on links. Atleast the answers in the FAQ are as brief as possible 58pic2017.org/faq

@zeldman I see you’re in permanent ask-a-question mode
Performance > design. Nobody waits. Your site is only beautiful if someone sees it. @zeldman #aeachi

@zeldman my wife went from DC to NYC to eat MD crabs…

@zeldman 18 years if you include playing around with Angelfire and GeoCities

@zeldman @aneventapart I proudly display mine in my office

@zeldman oh I know you don’t. But Twitter does.

@zeldman even though you would think the shortened URL for the same link would be consistent across all of twitter

@zeldman if I tweet Zeldman.com and you tweet the same link the t.co links will be different.

@zeldman this means you can track traffic to your site down to the user who was responsible for it

@zeldman also fun fact: the same URL doesn’t get the same shortened t.co link.