In 2021, Spotify reached out to buy @ConvertKit for hundreds of millions.
I said no.
Here’s what we did instead:
In 2021, Spotify reached out to buy @ConvertKit for hundreds of millions.
I said no.
Here’s what we did instead:
@zachleat I’m happy to have inspired so many github.com/willmartian/div.js
Producers of the Crown furiously taking notes
php is good, likes pls
Consider the round rectangle (roundrect), a four-sided figure with rounded off corners. They are often used in user interface designs… but they have a built-in aesthetic glitch which I’ll describe later. First, to make one.
Two issues from two different people this morning. Both were solved by simply clearing the cache.
Accessing a devices camera just using HTML
This lotion is IE approved
Is Engineering Management Bullshit?
Company: “Please start thinking about impactful Q4 KPIs”
Me: twitter.com/davenewworld_2/statu…
My new home page: randomstreetview.com
He was ahead of his time.
me at the start of summer // me at the end of summer
Me: “Does your throat hurt?”
5 year old: “Just when I breathe”
Me: “Oh ok good”
Is sharing job postings on Twitter still a thing? If so, here’s my open role for an Engineering Manager supporting accessible reproductive healthcare at Ro: jobs.lever.co/ro/3fc17916-e5b7-4…
If not, here’s a picture of my cat, who sits like this regularly. Win/win tweet, really. t.co/nsUbMJaVUu
When I’m asked to demo what I’ve been working on to the whole company at the all-hands meeting
Toddler approaches holding one glistening flip flop.
“Um… Daddy? I didn’t make it to the bathroom all the way?”
– Unplugs iPad from charger
– Throws it in general direction of children
– Run in the opposite direction
– Medicate away your sorrows with your vice of choice twitter.com/RottenInDenmark/stat…
🎶 Sittin’ on the toilet, deleting all the email
“When your old car died did you stand by the road asking for money so you could get a new one?” — 5 year old
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.