Scheduled meetings so far today: 3
Heading to the Refresh DC meet-up right across the street from my work.
Finally managed to get something done today. Meeting count: 5. When I came in this morning I only had 1 scheduled.
Debating a box.
Back at my desk for 5 minutes.
10:30 – 11:30: Meeting, 11:30-1: Meeting, 1-1:30: LUNCH, 1:30-2:30 Meeting, 2:30-3:00 Meeting.
Looks like Apple is hiring a front-end developer ->
Watching public television of the Obama speech.
Today: 1 hour of coding, 1 hour of lunch, 5 hours of meetings.
Bills in congress are passed the same way as kidney stones… slow and painful.
Scanning receipts.
Too much Twitter noise. Time to trim some people i’m following. Sorry in advance.
Meetings, meetings, meetings today!
Rtg @brownpau: 99 char SEO seminar: (1) Write compelling content. (2) Use descriptive headlines. (3) Link judiciously. (4) Get linked.
Twhirl loads way too many tweets when it first starts up.
RT: @farrelley Ritz Camera files for bankruptcy
And here’s the blog post about our day of snowboarding
Writing up a blog post for about our snowboarding trip yesterday.
Grocery shopping… DONE!
Just watched Inside The Meltdown:…