Off to dinner with my newly fianced’s parents and my own.
Did a Google search for Raw Data and came up with this ->
You don’t see people like this anymore ->
It’s time for burritos! Then an office party at 3pm!
Diamonds are like Kryptonite to females causing uncontrollable crying and hugging at first sight.
I’m a developer, I’m a designer, I’m a deviner.
Lunch time. Going to have another Golden Crepe. Check my blog for pics.
New blog post: An Overwhelming Response
Kristina keeps punching me with her huge engagement ring. It hurts. Ouch!
New blog post: We’re Engaged!!!
Waiting at the mall for something to be ready. Found free wifi at Panera.
Amazon txt for ‘Canon 5d’ returned instructions on how to reply. Hmmm….. not quite there yet.
Trying out Amazon’s new textbuyit service minus the buying part
Folding socks, listening to 80’s Pop internet radio station.”Never gonna give you up” came on.Probably the 20th time I was rick rolled today
New blog post: Man With Balloons In His Pants
apparently between 8:15pm and 8:45pm I become so tired I crash into nap mode.
Going home. Need to do a massive amount of laundry because i was so busy last week.
$5 Tees -> Nothing that piques my interest.
Ate a Snickers bar earlier and now I feel like crap.
Har har