Ok but did they end up selling more software with the hidden easter egg promotion? #aea
Access for all. That’s what web design is all about. #aea
Its a small world at #aea
Press button receive bacon #aea
@hellogeri look for a picture of him. He’s all decked out and dapper.
russellheimlich.com/frontend-tip… Ems are friends. #aea
Hyperlinks seem inspired by footnote reference, HREF #aea
Js for fixing box-sizing #aea code.google.com/p/ie7-js/source/…
Exporting ice for a hefty profit. Those were the days. #aea
Optothorp #aea
#aea Prograceful degrahancement
CSS tricks has a good article on it too #aea css-tricks.com/box-sizing/
@badnewsblair #aea I used to rock a Nomad jukebox that looked like a cd player and could hold 10 flipping gigabytes.
We need browser makers to innovate and push technologies forward. #aea
This page best viewed on my computer #aea
Ajax = unicorns #aea