Information wants to be free and code wants to be wrong. #aea
@tomkruk do you have corporate users? Have you seen your site in a blackberry browser?
Rip geocities #aea
@ryanhoonlaverty take notes be tweeting in a feed apart. Long tap and open links in a new page. Multitasking is here today. #aea
Don’t tie your markup to your visual design. #aea
@shiota and today we just download the font for them.
@julianomoreira_ nothing short of astounding. #aea
The job of a front end developer is to constantly ask “what if” and design for those situations. #aea
Why does @beep make setting type in ems so hard. It doesn’t have to be that hard. Set the body font-size to 62.5% #aea
@chrismjones wear your hacks with pride. It’s ok. It’s all behind us now.
Islanders love spam #aea
Clean markup good. IE specific libraries… BAD. #aea
I feel like @beep is turning people off to ems even though it doesn’t have to be that hard. #aea
@grum_dot_com #aea did you used to rock the hot dog stand theme in windows 3.1?
@jenfraiz wifi was flaky all day yesterday. I switched to tethering my phone for Internet access on my iPad.
Some stuff @malarkey says is awesome and other stuff leaves me on the fence. #aea
Hooray for @beep showing everyone the janky rendering of things on Windows. Mac based designers never think about this stuff #aea haters gonna hate animated #aea
Witticisms #aea