Girl, I love you like a toddler loves boogers.
Girl, I love you like a toddler loves boogers.
I am getting a new phone, yay!!! A Smart Phone even my husband will be jealous of …. #GalaxyNexus
Why do people like the smell of rain? I think it just smells like dead worms.
playing hide and go seek in pammys house … oh man i hope someone finds me I really need to pee!
So0o Excited becuase I think i figured out what Russell and I will be for Halloween! Lets let the DIY begin … i have 37 days to create!
@theandystratton Hi TEDxMidAtlantic buddy!
The fourth and final session of the day is about to begin. Had a cookie and a banana for a snack.
@fuelfrog 168.5 $2.49 8.991
@fuelfrog 265.4 $2.539 11.745
Grocery shopping after checking my coolant by chance and it was nearly empty. Filled up at Kristina’s house.
Pew! Pew! Pew!
Kristina’s parents have an excess of crabs. So we’re giving some to my parents.I’ve been eating cookies all day.
Loud thunderstorms at 6am woke me up. Can’t remember the last time there was a thunderstorm in the morning.
Huge thunderstorm about to bear down on us here in DC. Very dark out.
Metro is all kinds of backed up. Saw a woman tuck her cellphone away down the front of her shirt. Def. Not as hot as it sounds.
I have a feeling the center escalator at Foggy Bottom will be closed this afternoon. Saw a little kids squishy shoe get sucked up. Kid’s ok.
I don’t know what’s harder: being the Interviewee or the Interviewer?
The 3D version of UP is totally not worth the extra money. 3D is cool at first but after 10 minutes your brain can’t tell the difference.
Friday Burritos: 15 people strong.
Eating at Moby Dicks in Silver Spring then seeing Up! with @naudebynature
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.