Go see Juno if you like teenage pregnancy and sappy girly stuff. Otherwise stay clear of this snoozefest.
Heading to Whitetail for a day of snowboarding.
Sittting behind a bus staring at a “Bus makes wide turns” warning. The graphic shows a bus turning into a car. So y is the sign on the back?
Just saw a woman on the Fort Totten metro platform using the pay phone. Weird.
Hi, my name is punch you in the face.
Half price burger day! Taking a longish lunch due to server issues preventing me from doing work.
Stopped at a light watching Shrek from the backseat of a Cadillac Escalade in front of me.
Went to get a drink at the bar and two people thought I was part of the wait staff. One of them thought I was her boss.
Made some good progress on the Google Charts interface I talked about last night. May write a post and show off a demo later if I find time.
Watching the snow go by while on the Metro sure is pretty.
Snow and sleet on the walk from office to metro. Good time to stay inside.
Explained podcasting and MP3 players to an extremely friendly Japanese man. He was saying good morning to everybody he saw.
It’s reallt windy and cold out here in DC. Need to stop by CVS to get shampoo.
Going to Target to get the last Zune 80 in stock in the area.
My girlfriend got a hole in one on the second hole in Wii golf.
Playing Wii bowling with the family. This is what Thanksgiving is all about.
How come little kids find spinning around in circles so much fun?
Leaving dentist office. Saw old lady reach across Time and Newsweek to pick up USNews and World Report. Made me feel good inside.
UMCP boys beat Towson 20-0
UMCP girls beat Georgetown in triple overtime. One game left for guys and girls against George Mason.