You should be worrin’ about ladies swarmin’ not global warmin’.
Quick thoughts while I wait for a meeting: Hulu looks to be a good service, FCC plans to breakup apartment complex monopolies, and it’s cool
is keepin’ it real like a banana peel.
Saw a lady wearing a pair of pink Cruggs (crocs + uggs) on the metro. Ugh!
Mmmm meat loaf for dinner.
Chipoltle two days in a row? It is that kind of week.
Refresh is all about the after presentation mingling. Had a great time catching up.
Time is like a freeway with an infinite number of lanes all leading from the past to the future, but not the same future.
At Refresh-DC 10 minutes late. Man this group gets bigger every month.
Listening to a MacBreak Tech all about Quicksilver. I still see it as an app launcher.
At the post office sending out a book to a happy Amazon customer.
Costco gas is $2.51. Everywhere else is way more expensive. Costco ftw.
Kristina has weakness for anything wrapped in shiny paper. Costco was made for women. Russell = bored.
At a college volleyball game. The female Maryland volleyball players are freakishly tall.
Crap I forgot to eat lunch again. Hmm when will a window open up.
The weather is glorious and seasonal again. No more sweating in a sweltering apartment.
Went to bed late, wake up early? WTF Mate!
Going to Kristina’s flag football practice to take some action shots with my new 70-200 f/2.8 Sigma lens.
Found a credit card in the middle of a field.
Picking up diner at Baja Fresh then off to College Park.