Added a shmancy new can of paint to tonight.
Props @livlab @brianboyer @montchr
Added a shmancy new can of paint to tonight.
Props @livlab @brianboyer @montchr
@amyhoy I went to my local bank that offers an HSA account. It’s like opening a checking account.
How to build your own flamethrower.
1) Buy this
2) Put a bad ass plastic case around it…
@desandro That octopus has got some big jugs
@williamsba Yea screw those winter babies.
@williamsba We started getting our birthday off
I could get used to describing temperature in Kelvin
International House of Obstetricians…
@chipcullen Cooler than the king of kool?
@ChrisVanPatten With Timber I see a lot of developers doing PHP stuff within Twig and spending energy making PHP available in Twig. But I found just passing raw data to templates and using Twig for markup works so much better. Let PHP handle the logic and data. Twig is great for just display.
@ChrisVanPatten I’m building my own wrapper around Twig. I used to hate Twig but then I read and the approach changed my mind…
@AeroSatan @MKBHD Yup.
Programming is but stringing together different StackOverflow answers
@MKBHD I’ve been wearing these everyday for the past 10 years and they’re just fine. I could buy 39 pairs of these for the same price.…
@MKBHD *Googles Sennheiser HD820*
*Looks at price*
@chriscoyier Understanding popular culture references.
@WebManWlkg My musical tastes seem to be stuck in my middle school days. I can see how people cling to what they are most familiar with.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made and married @naudebynature.