@dimensionmedia Maybe they would have more luck if they included the block editor
@yesimmelinda You might think this fictious office was in Southern California but **SPOILER ALERT** one of the situations involved a co-worker distracting a harasser by mentioning his sun roof was open and it is raining.
@randallb It’s the protocol which powers planetary.social/
@randallb Have you seen the scuttlebutt protocol? scuttlebutt.nz/docs/protocol/
@fugularity It’s like cybering for geriatric millennials
Feels good when people gripe about a TV show being cancelled that you didn’t even know existed
@fugularity Online pickup?
@dbanksDesign @plusplus_hq lol at the airplane icon
@dbchhbr Anything from the WordPress swag store works for me
@mattcampux Like life
@hdv No. Just name and phone number in USA
Only $2.99 to feel obsolete
There’s a lot of economic inequality in the world but billionaires can’t get Chick-fil-A on a Sunday like the rest of us
They’re here in all their glory!!!
My favorite podcast of 2022! @ShopTalkShow
pca.st/podcast/d8fb5c80-1d1e-012… #pocketcasts #endofyear2022
@shortxstack This sounds like the plot of an episode from Garfield and Friends
@cdharrison @pocketcasts Wow I can’t listen to podcasts when coding or concentrating on something else. Podcasts are great for the car or doing mindless chores.
Love the Washington Monument footer illustration twitter.com/chipcullen/status/15…
@jcarbaugh But we use GitLab 😭😭😭