@mr_suh Beats me
Here comes the Android Oreo update for my OnePlus 3T
The longest word without any repeating letters is uncopyrightable.
@enqueue_russ Ahh Christmas time for long time married couples.
@WirecutterDeals I got one at Best Buy. Wish Target still had it.
I’m thankful for 1s and 0s
@karlgroves @ElieSl @jfc3 Keep drinking
@loopconf Oh noes! Sure thing!
@loopconf Did you get my submission? I’m not sure it went through (Twitter handle at Gmail.com)
@mpiccorossi Did you “kill” it?
@trepmal Don’t know how an iPhone user would react switching to Android but the Pixel 2 is an awesome way to go.
@trepmal Played with one yesterday. Felt amazing and the camera is awesome.
@fugularity “How much money do you need to not worry about money?”
@round I still do this
@jgarber After the seven dwarfs
@abrudtkuhl @ChrisVanPatten Thanks for writing that. Super helpful when I was leaning about elasticsearch
Lesson learned. The original Snow White (1937) is a little too dramatic in the beginning for an almost 3 year old.
@SandyS1 Tweet tweet
@brownpau Mine 2 year old colored on the carpet at the inlaws
@_ealfeche Lucky