@mr_suh I’m in favor of birth. Its a neat process.
@aaronjorbin what if there was a conference filled with nothing but rejected talks…
@rossk we have that color in our house too
@kathkat15 slop gruel from a bag
Finished watching Orange is the New Black. That was weird.
It’s 7am and I’m caught up on everything except sleep.
@taupecat woooo
@AstickofGum @naudebynature sleeping through the night most nights. She goes to sleep right away.
@ammy914 she’s snoring in a cut babby like fashion
@ammy914 case in point… This is how she’s sleeping right now
@ammy914 I prefer to bond with my child and share experiences and nap when they nap.
I’m on the reservation list for OnePlus 2 invite! Sign up for yours today. oneplus.net/invites?kid=6H9JT
This one-shot mountain biking video is wheel-y gorgeous youtu.be/5ud5T5I4XcA
The Great Diaper Rash of July 2015
@chipcullen oh sorry for the spoiler alert. Skip ahead, that episode is a good one.
“81% of SaaS websites running a content management system utilize WordPress.” – @nekolaweb medium.com/@nekolaweb/saas-compa…
@chipcullen just heard @ShopTalkShow 172 where you asked your question. That’s awesome!
@thorpus It came back on again but the UPS battery backups were going nuts. Didn’t wake the baby though…
@mr_suh yup. I was there at noon.
Video chatting with my wife at the Costco box discard bin so she can find the perfect platform for a baby shower diaper “sculpture” #suburbs