@DerekAshauer –ar is aspect ratio so 3:2 will make it a landscape oriented photo
–v 5 is for using v5 of the image model
@DerekAshauer –ar is aspect ratio so 3:2 will make it a landscape oriented photo
–v 5 is for using v5 of the image model
@Joey_Farruggio I can hit you up tomorrow afternoon
@mattcampux A bunch of bash scripts written in 2008
@lelandf @ShopTalkShow Oh sweet! I’ll give it a listen
@jackson_llk Just a guy and his cat on a leash at the Jefferson Memorial.
@SergioRocks I search popular job listing sites via Google using keywords like “site:lever.co full stack developer” or “site:greenhouse.io WordPress”
@thewprockstar Why do you want to hit $25k/month? What would be different compared to your current $16k/month of revenue?
@JJJ I’m interested in all things J
@ThePeterMick Tanning your knees
@SethCotlar That’s a weird way to spell decaf
@mattcampux You can use skypack and skip the build step
What is the Barbie movie even about?
@elyktrix Super Mario Brothers movie
@Joey_Farruggio It kinda looks like a walkie talkie. Show them it has snake on it
@richaber Oof sorry to hear about the job situation. A WP-CLI command to export a WP_Query to CSV always comes in handy.
@brad_frost Drip drip drip… Goes the water…
@elyktrix Blue/green kubernetes deployment in a multi-cloud provider redundant setup
@vovafeldman I’ll be there
@thewprockstar Director of Digital Strategy
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.