@QuinnyPig Check this out. They’re scaling WordPress via serverless functions twitter.com/twigpress/status/139…
@freshyill I dare you to lick it
None of the borders actually touch so I figured I would have to use pseudo elements with a white background to jam up in the corners
It would be neat to recreate this grid layout in CSS I saw browsing a furniture catalog
@jgarber It’s JavaScript all the way down…
@write_this_way Dang that takes guts!
Me looking at my crypto
@davatron5000 Full on stupid monitors
JavaScript keeps adding things to do the same things JavaScript can already do… twitter.com/nachoiacovino/status…
This year for our wedding anniversary I am going to get my wife a cicada necklace
@QuinnyPig Zingo is fun
@AstritMalsija @hey_sergei @jaffathecake @snappify_io @dominiksumer @innovati @raycastapp Dummyimage.com is the correct url
@noaheverett Go separate for now until you have a good reason to refector.
The existence of vanilla JavaScript implies the existence of chocolate JavaScript.
@magicroundabout I wish I tweeted more about what I’m working on. You be you it’s great.
@plugish @phpstorm @ChrisVanPatten Good ol heredocs php.net/manual/en/language.types…