@davatron5000 Dear Uncle Dave,
Listening to you and @chriscoyier talk about monitors on @ShopTalkShow has caused me to obsessively research the intricacies of monitor tech. Sooo a question for you…
Is a refresh rate higher than 100hz worth it for day to day dev work? No gaming

@freshyill We kept going through cheaper wired headphones that would break. Eventually the kids broke the headphone jack and thus we moved to bluetooth headphones.
Two screens like an ipad and the TV? The wife puts her foot down and always kicks the kids off the tv.

@neojp I see. tweets.kingkool68.com/tweet/1093…
(The original tweet got deleted)

@neojp I have no idea what’s going on here

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.
Source: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffalo_… twitter.com/RickWrightNow/status…

** Driving 3 year old to school while it is snowing lightly **
Wow there sure are a lot of snow plows out!
** She thinks for a moment **
Do they have a snow plow in China?

@teddyrised Oh so you started because of your coworker and not your boyfriend?

@teddyrised @bestseller Pretty sky

@elyktrix Get a job at an agency and you can get paid to do that.

Original source: reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/com…

@paulca I just discovered webhook.site/ yesterday which makes it easier to debug a payload sent by a webhook and you can copy a cURL command to replay the request locally


@neojp You need one of these when you YAML

@jonknee @QuisitiveInvest Using this
it looks like 2TB (2000GB) of storage per month is $10.

@alexisjreports Don’t bother packing any snow stuff thanks to the DC snow hole.

@mollyfmielke @round Clay

@kkuchta @QuinnyPig We’ve got an opening for a Ruby dev with frontend skills. Typescript is in the mix too.