@mr_suh 505060

I get excited when my 6 digit two-factor authentication number makes an interesting pattern…

Progressive Enhancement is
less “but what if JavaScript is disabled?”, more “can our core services be more tolerant of everyday conditions”

@danphilibin You tax ridesharing services.

@brownpau We binged watch MTV’s Teen Mom and TLC’s My Teen is Pregnant and So Am I tlc.com/tv-shows/my-teen-is-preg…
Totally. New. Perspective.

What a difference a year makes.

@jessabean Not to be confused with every other time I do JavaScript.

Went to tag people in a photo on Facebook. Facebook detected one of the people is pregnant and added a box around her belly to tag the baby.

@elgreg I think this is safe to declare a universal law.

@mattcutts @jfc3 Tell them Ishmael sent you. They love that!

@mattcutts Moby Dick House of Kabob is my favorite lunch spot mobyskabob.com/ Not sure if one is near the Pentagon. @jfc3 would know

“I say now is the time to refocus on what local (news) can do instead or what it can’t” – @jimbrady cjr.org/analysis/local_news_news…

?Got a machine head, it’s better then the rest (yea, yea, yea, yea, yeaaa)?

@danielbachhuber neat

@daljo628 @nacin Because I’m sure the flight attendant would take your word that it is under 2lbs so this laptop is ok.

@fugularity glad im not dat nerd

@fugularity OMG MAKE IT STOP!