@bbaiIey I can tell by your avatar. So stoked.
@Rmmmsy @apollographql Ah yes. Carry on then.
@Rmmmsy @apollographql I have no idea what that means but I’m sure you’ve seen this github.com/wp-graphql/wp-graphql
@brownpau These are your all-time greatest hits tweets.kingkool68.com/twitter-us…
pure gold tweets.kingkool68.com/2006/12/
@MKBHD You should do a video on your thoughts about crypto currency. I watched youtube.com/channel/UCCatR7nWbYr… to help me get up to speed.
@MKBHD Just put a little bit in each. That’s what I did by accident and they have all gone up.
@5tu All of them.
So long @Storify You were always a weird service storify.com/faq-eol
@jasongraphix As someone who used to work there, do you have any idea why MailChimp limits you to 60 groups per list?
@ChrisVanPatten Why not just roll your own on a VPS?
@trepmal I still have one or two.
@daljo628 @stephendquirk @jetpack How about a @jetpack branded jetpack!
@taupecat Naturally the wife comes home and starts watching The Crown. And here I am building websites.
@taupecat Code a new website!
@guillec Nice!