I’m getting tired of this trend in ironic design… bloomberg.com/businessweek/desig…
I’m getting tired of this trend in ironic design… bloomberg.com/businessweek/desig…
“You see kids this is what websites used to look like…”
J/K This is how I access my pay stub info as of 5 min. ago
That @adactio is so smart. How to combine all those social media meta tags and reduce meta tag crap adactio.com/journal/9881
@mr_suh What about an interracial couple that named their child Zadie?
@nacin I think that means you got bumped to a seat outside of the plane.
@jessschillinger @mr_suh YAASSSS!!!
@jessschillinger Loud blaring trumpets! Although rams would be cool too.
@daljo628 Is your favorite band “We Were Promised Jetpacks”?
@daljo628 “Hey computer, let me know if you start writing bad CSS. I’ll be over here poking at a glass screen…”
Behind the scenes of Pokedex.org or How to Make a Web app that Is Just As Slick/Smooth as a Native App pocketjavascript.com/blog/2015/1…
@duqe ?⭐️ ❤️? +1 ␀
@jensimmons famous last words.
@jensimmons Maybe with the help of this drupal.org/project/oembed ? I don’t do Drupal.
@johnpbloch Oh yea, Ghost… I guess they were on to something.
This is what JavaScript frameworks will look like to us in 10 years… javascript-fx.com/mouse_trail/in…
@johnpbloch When do you think WordPress can drop support for node.js 4.0?
@duqe There appears to be a glitch in that animated graphics interchange format file you uploaded to the world wide web.
@zeldman Of course back then I didn’t have broadband so it kind of made sense at the time.
@zeldman eMusic was like that time when you found an ISP that didn’t charge you by the hour. One monthly fee for all you wanted.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.