@toxicityj @jonathanober I can give you a walk through at lunch. It’s not as hard as you think.
@toxicityj @jonathanober I can give you a walk through at lunch. It’s not as hard as you think.
@toxicityj I use SmartGit which is a GUI for git. Makes it easy to get up and running.
With web hosts, if you don’t know whether you need a control panel… YOU NEED A CONTROL PANEL. #wclanc
“There is no best web hosting. There is only the best web hosting for you” #wclanc
Master Macaw in Two Hours. Free eBook schonne.com/macaw/ #wclanc
@freshyill Don’t screw them up too badly.
@danileekelley Don’t worry. You’ll get more in to code as time goes on.
brackets.io/ is a free, open source code editor from Adobe #wclanc
@danileekelley Probably easier to get started for visual thinkers just getting started. Like training wheels.
Interview with @attasi & @zeldman about @macawco on the Big Web Show zeldman.com/2014/04/24/big-web-s… #wclanc
Visual design tools that spit out “nice” code: macaw.co creative.adobe.com/products/refl… webflow.com/ #wclanc
Responsive vs. m. mobile specific site webinsation.com/responsive-desig… #wclanc @jcasabona
Mobile technology fact sheet: data about mobile usage from @pewinternet pewinternet.org/fact-sheets/mobi… #wclanc #rwd #mobile
fontastic.me/ great resource for building your own font icon/SVG sprite. icomoon.io/ is another one #wclanc
Parsec: A fully responsive WordPress theme that @jcasabona will be building the right way on GitHub github.com/jcasabona/parsec #wclanc
RICG Responsive Images WordPress Plugin using srcset. Install. Activate. You’re Done. #rwd #wclanc @jcasabona
RESS: Responsive Design + Server Side Components (Not a good idea IMHO) lukew.com/ff/entry.asp?1392 #wclanc @jcasabona
Fillerama Lorem Ipsom generator chrisvalleskey.com/fillerama/ #wclanc
Inline SVG vs Icon Fonts css-tricks.com/icon-fonts-vs-svg… #rwd #wclanc @jcasabona
If you’re designing in the browser use dummyimage.com to mock up images on demand. #wclanc
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.