@SmellyICE @fugularity @astickofgum workout more!
@JTI519 But you’re not a helpless little girl.
@agileadam I think you’re fine. I’ve seen some crazy uses… like 1×999 table spacer gifs
@agileadam Nice. Looks awesome.
@kcttr Memento.
@AdeyLady123 I didn’t even look it up.
@AdeyLady123 numero?
@jungshadow Images with captions should now be responsive. Changed them to HTML5 <figure> and <figcaption> to boot.
@starsoup7 I despise pointless competency graphs. Pet Peeve 100%!
@AstickofGum How about the Bala Bay Inn youtube.com/watch?v=0xATzcub3Uk
@jungshadow Less technical, more “If I do this what else will break”
@ChrisVanPatten The mute button while recording the speaker output to tape.
@ChrisVanPatten Need alternative. Wish I could just roll my own.
First memolane.com shut down their daily email for showing what I did on this day in social media activity. Now Timehop is dead 2
@Smashley017 @fugularity Little in the middle but she’s got much back.
@Smashley017 Back and forth forever.
@kcttr A necessary for spotting overflow issues. I just missed one because of it.
@daankortenbach Agreed! Missed some overflow issues because of their hidden scroll bars.
Web developers using OSX Mountain Lion: Go to System Preferences -> General and set “Show scroll bars” to Always. #protip