@MouseyMik “I want to wear a monocle” is a legitimate reason to wear a monocle.
@mr_suh Die Young In The Cave and Michael83 Down Under were pretty good
@anna_debenham Yea… but we do have cheese in a can.
@mr_suh 77 minute mashup of songs from 2012 bootiemashup.com/bestofbootie201…
@clarissa Please tell me all the things that suck about it because no one else will.
@clarissa Yes’m along with @nekolaweb @beepybop and @mpiccorossi
@clarissa Ahem… pewresearch.org/
RT @nascar “We call on Congress to act immediately to appropriate whatever is necessary to put race car drivers in every car in the nation”
@davidj But if Inbox B and Inbox A are the same it doesn’t matter. Right? That’s what you get by running everything through one GMail accnt
@davidj You can set it up so when you respond it comes from the address it was sent to.
@davidj I pipe all my email addresses through my GMail account.
@davidj What’s wrong with Outlook.com? We use Outlook at work and I use their web client exclusively.
@thorpus Neat! You look like you just woke up.
@brownpau you mean real zebra poop?
@ChrisVanPatten You could rewrite the URLs to use the ID instead of the slugs.
@lauradhahn You decorate the tree in your underpants? P.S. Everyone does everything in their underpants. They just have clothes on top.
@lauradhahn I think you just told everyone on dribble that you have a penis.
@ChrisVanPatten Throw a single letter in front of it.
@smarty @thisguy @kallie @desandro That’s eating fowl with class 2.bp.blogspot.com/_WUwf_2dhedc/S…