The Weight Watchers logo got heavier.…
@ChrisVanPatten Ofcourse you’re problem in the sticks and only Verizon works out there. In that case there’s not much you can do.
@ChrisVanPatten Have you heard of this thing called GSM… you should check it out. It’s like the future… TODAY!
@elgreg Monopoly places: Baltic Avenue, Marvin Gardens, Park Place, Boardwalk, Community Chest.
@ChrisVanPatten Unlocked, contract free is the only way to own a phone. And Nexus only. Otherwise forget Android.
@ChrisVanPatten Welcome to the future of 6 months ago…. TODAY!
@elgreg Name them after numbers starting with 0.
@KyleCotter DEATH!
@JoannaBrenner @nekolaweb @brian_k_bailey
@JoannaBrenner @nekolaweb @brian_k_bailey
@JoannaBrenner @nekolaweb @brian_k_bailey Do go on……
@JoannaBrenner @nekolaweb 2.5 males vs 1.5 females (@brian_k_bailey wears girl jeams)
@JoannaBrenner @brian_k_bailey @nekolaweb A typical estrogen response.
@AstickofGum Coherency would also be a huge problem to add your list. Meow.
“Familiar with the matter” used 3 times in the first two paragraphs. Oh and the Washington Post is getting a paywall.…
@nekolaweb @brian_k_bailey @joannabrenner MySpace has plenty of Tom
@brian_k_bailey @joannabrenner @nekolaweb You’re lucky I ignored your drop-boxed pictures on your old computer after you left…
@BlankSky Server side eh? Couldn’t you just use a query string on the end of the URL and then change the markup served? And then measure…