@trepmal Thanks for posting mostly pictures and not long form essays 🙂
@trepmal You have one of the only blogs I’m all up to date on.
@ckrewson It’s better than the alternative youtube.com/watch?v=9YFtWaHwL3c
It’s a lot harder to pull off visual puns like this on the web… twitter.com/charlesapple/status/…
@charlotteis @anna_debenham We’ve been using ZenHub for a Trello like experience within GitHub via a Chrome Extension. Long before Projects.
@emdantrim can you DM me your email?
@jimbrady Oh man you’re missing out on the bronze Fonz en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bronze_Fon…
@dreamhostcare gracias #7606407
Well darn. The volume on my DreamHost DreamCompute instance went into read only mode. Now what do I do? @DreamHostCare
@astickofgum I think there are a number of developers who got burnt out, moved out of the city, and started doing wood working.
@astickofgum Twitter commentator.
@williamsba WordPress, In house vs. agency roles, servers, being a father, the good old days when the hardest part about a website was ftp.
@helenadonahue I don’t think anything will come of “us”
@steph_hay WOW how did you record and meme a GIF of yourself so fast.
@steph_hay Now try that tweet again, this time with more…
Also LAWL at 2 week old point data.
You know what is cooler than points @verizonfios? A cheaper bill.