@eastendbrewing iPhone? You can try deleting your cookies osxdaily.com/2012/06/10/delete-s…
@davatron5000 AMPPS for LAMP stack server, SmartGit for um… Git, FileOptimizer nikkhokkho.sourceforge.net/stati…
@elgreg OMG THIS!
@joeyhoer Updated! dummyimage.com/#download The source is on Github. Have at it! Do something neat with it.
Intelligence surge – The opposite of the Tump/Pence campaign.
@bpeebles He doesn’t believe in quotes.
@bbaiiey 1) whatsmydns.net/ 2) That’s what Twitter is for.
github.audio/ ambient synths triggered by code commits
@fugularity National Talk Like a Pirate Day.
@titanas I guess it will become more clear when companies launch phones after the pixel.
@titanas Well there is a choice. Buy a Samsung flavor of Android, or an LG flavor, or some other manufacturer.
@titanas @stammy It feels like the Google Pixel was designed with iPhone user in mind. From the hardware to the frosted on screen buttons
@daljo628 How often do you use Google Cardboard now?
@jenmrapp I think this points to the maturation of the smartphone market. How else can a manufacturer differentiate?
@danielbachhuber @jimbrady Sure just label it “SECRET WINNING JETS STRATEGY” and you should be good to go.
The Google Pixel is the same price on Verizon’s page. Can you just buy the phone from Verizon without a line? (probably not)