I just took a DNA test and turns out I’m 100% not using this shit format meme that’s not accessible for people using screen readers and generally just hard to read.
@taupecat @tailwindcss Not for me.
Do you love WordPress?
Do you love WPGraphQL?
Do you love Gatsby?
Come work with me at @gatsbyjs making @wpgraphql the best API for WordPress, and making Gatsby the best front-end option for WordPress!
Cables. Very neat. So cool. #Cablep0rn
If you really think about it, we’re all internet explorers.
@fugularity well yea that’s what makes them so sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet
@fugularity Ketchup is the only way kids eat dinner. Ketchup is a godsend. All hail lord KETCHUP!
@karolus @taupecat That is fine and well until you start ad-hoc designing on the fly at the 11th hour. Hence my creative naming.
@mattcampux This would imply that there is some sort of system and no ad-hoc designing on the fly is being done.
@taupecat That is a good strategy.
Using sass variables for colors is great until you get sick of naming different values of gray
@brad_frost I feel like @ChrisVanPatten has thoughts
@chipcullen Let me know when you figure out how to include a dependency from a private git repo. That still stumps me.
Clients eat this stuff up. Until they need to put their real content in there. twitter.com/vermeijdesign/status…
** Me picking up my kids after I got a haircut **
2 year old: Where did your hair go?
4 year old: It’s in the future.
I don’t usually download large files but when I do I’m grateful for my gigabit Internet connection.
serverless-to-cgi-bin — A browser extension that replaces occurrences of ‘serverless’ with ‘cgi-bin’
@kentcdodds @mgreiler I’m an entry level software engineer looking for a full time, preferably remote position, although I’m open for relocation. I know HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js and currently am learning Ruby on Rails.
Pretty Internet speed test site speed.ui.com/