Ok time for bed after a couple hours of coding my photo gallery.
Ok time for bed after a couple hours of coding my photo gallery.
Time to watch a bunch of mornic wanna-be chefs on Hell’s Kitchen.
I did a double take when I rad the headline. This is on CNN not the Onion is.gd/hL2b
Catching up on feeds that I didn’t have time to go through this morning.
All the snow and ice melted away today. That was quick.
salad makes for a nutritious snack.
Did the dishes. I’m beat. I think I’m coming down with something. Throat is a little rough.
@jgarber I use Dreamweaver as a huge and clunky text editor. Though it comes in handy for editing HTML tables and batch search and replace
@brownpau This should be your next digital camera is.gd/hy1p
Rethinking my photo workflow. I’ve been using Picasa with no probs but lack of savings tags to PSD’s is lame. What do you guys do?
@scottsandler I hear Working Overtime is a good flick is.gd/hliG
Just did 35 minutes of Wii Fit. I lost 1.1 pounds since last time.
Yes We Can… With Sprinkles On Top is.gd/ho0j
@ChrisVanPatten Blackberry Jam, a multimedia device by RIM. I like it.
@Kira4831 appears to be a @spam bot befriending anyone whose name is Russell
My career plans were much more exciting when I was five is.gd/hhCX
@kissane I have been enjoying your adventure of Humbert Humbert Holy Hell Hornblower Hall immensly!
@alexalbrecht Hugo’s House of Horrors!
would love to check my e-mail but Adobe Reader decided to update itself. Reading blogs to pass the time
Is this for real is.gd/hePR ? So All I have to do is take a picture of a plane crash and I’ll get more followers to read my dribble?
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.