@gfrphoto What lens are you getting?
Vegas 8 challenges the traditional model of video editing -> urltea.com/1jqz Great post from digitalvideoediting.com
my roomate is singing Carrie Ann karoke
My goal is to get to bed before midnight. It’s 10:08 now
saw the creepiest, bug eyed lady ever looking out the window at a coffee shop on my way to work this morning.
I am a Digitivity Denizen – see last paragraph here -> urltea.com/1jc6
@frankjonen I too have hated Adobe for quite some time.
Avast, I needs more pirate words for TLAPD arrrrrg…
New blog post: Armless Does Not Equal Harmless tinyurl.com/2aa9eh
@dextr0us Vegas 8 just launched 😉
@dextr0us Screw the Animation codec
Time to head home and eat some dinner. I’m hungry like a pirate yarrr!
New blog post: Just A Building tinyurl.com/ytmqnp
Mixx looks pretty slick. Will explore more.
New blog post: (X)HTML Elements Best Practice Chart tinyurl.com/2ems3p
For some reason I decided to organize part of my music collection at midnight. Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day!
@jgarber kingkool68 at da gmail! Let me kick dem tired
Eagles vs. Redskins with the roomates. I’m searching for more Canon lenses… ooo a 80-400mm!
YAML Builder is downright amazing for building quick page layouts on the fly -> builder.yaml.de/
The ultimate (X)TML Best Practice Guide -> tinyurl.com/2e6x9v Learn this and love this!