I’m enjoying the noticeably cooler weather.
The Booksiread application on Facebook is somewhat interesting
New blog post: There’s A Version Of Thriller For India Too! tinyurl.com/2gk7l4
New blog post: An Omni-Directional Treadmill tinyurl.com/2elec7
National Geographic has some awesome photos, like this seal ripping the head off a penguin urltea.com/16jv
Did you see the Barry Bonds shot on Youtube? Moblogging is amazing urltea.com/16jr
New blog post: Leroy Graffiti Tag tinyurl.com/2ylt4d
Retro Mac OS9 WordPress theme? I’m all over it retromactheme.modernlifeisrubbis…
Ahhh too much great content to read and not enough time to be productive!
New blog post: Seaweed Eater tinyurl.com/2b9oae
and…… a firefox crash!
Quick update this ASAP! -> tinyurl.com/yq2wkp
playing with my DivX connected Beta set top box!
installing Wireshark for some wifi snooping
Oops! Sorry Twitters I didn’t know my Twitter tools for wordpress plugin publishes a new tweet everytime I update a post.
New blog post: Spontaneous Beach Trip Weekend tinyurl.com/yqga6b
Apple keynote is a snooze. Glossy screens suck! Who is Steve Kidding!
Arg! My DivX connected box is not cooperating.
New blog post: The Towson Filipino Festival tinyurl.com/ytoeew