“Be good citizens of the web, & learn proper HTML before you even so much as touch any JavaScript framework”
Does no one learn how to code from scratch anymore?
Steps babies take to learn about the world:
1) look
2) touch
3) smell
4) taste
5) destroy
@mattcutts Hello!
Slides of my #cssday presentation now up at quirksmode.org/presentations/Spr…
My prayers have been answered. The new fonts.google.com is beautiful.
Hey DC — my friend @liamdempsey is speaking about public speaking at @WordPressDC on 6/21. It’s going to be awesome! meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/23…
@mixolydian I’m a special snowflake apparently.
@_michaelkc Not sure. Ask @JulienMelissas. I just keep things simple.
@snowpunk I believe so. There’s some sort of Coax issue.
If you ever type another <input> tag , this is required reading: blog.cloudfour.com/autofill-what… The codepen form at the end is *pure gold*.
@silvacristina_ but can’t navigate to the items within it. Just something to be aware of.
@silvacristina_ I just want you to be aware that your CSS only dropdown example isn’t keyboard accessible. I can trigger the dropdown
@silvacristina_ Read your article robots.thoughtbot.com/you-don-t-… and bravo, I love using only CSS to accomplish things.
The modern web dev process:
Actual project files: 4MB
node_modules etc: 126MB
Blogging gave a billion people their own typewriter but turns out 15yrs later everyone prefers writing at 3 typewriter factories instead. ?
@caolan Source: github.com/kingkool68/zadieheiml… and github.com/kingkool68/zadieheiml…
@caolan Example: This is how the infinite scroll works on zadieheimlich.com/ and how galleries work zadieheimlich.com/easter-2016/ga…
@caolan Render server side and use bit of JavaScript to AJAX the rendered HTML of a page, extract the bits you want, and inject into the dom