@brownpau: Me too! But then the statement wouldn’t be complete because Facebook adds the <Your Name> is… part.
The work week is done. Time to start coding some personal projects
over always had the upper hand against under
@ChrisVanPatten: How do you like your revolution? I thought about going with that one once the time comes to upgrade my mouse.
Going to bed relatively early tonight.
For some reason I keep spelling elbow, elbox.
Man, that was a wicked storm this evening.
A US News story made the front page of Digg-> tinyurl.com/2jdyon
Kenny Luby from On the Lot is a Talentless Hack tinyurl.com/2e8wsu and Digg it tinyurl.com/ytje9a
I barely get to code HTML/CSS anymore at work so when I do get to, it’s a thrill!
Heading home. Boy I am sleepy today.
I am 208.8 pounds -> tinyurl.com/2c8uhd
Towson Filipino Festival with Photos -> tinyurl.com/ytoeew
I love seeing the blogging coverage of Stevenotes evolve over time.
@dextr0us: Engadget provides the best Live blogging experience.
I think I’ll go for a jog outdoors rather than ride my exercise bike indoors. Plus I need to pick up some groceries.
@brownpau: karaoke should be in my phone dictionary. I do enjoy me a little Hey Jude.
Does anyone have a topic they want researched? I’m looking to blog about it. Hit me up with ideas and send them to my twitter name @ gmail.
Editing some audio on the company MacBook Pro. I hate Soundtrack Pro!
Soundtrack Pro needs to be restarted every couple of hours.