Shout out to all of the people I sponsor on GitHub and their awesome contributions!
Shout out to all of the people I sponsor on GitHub and their awesome contributions!
@twigpress @usefathom @YmirApp Like getting Kim Kardashian’s number? That’s probably the easier part 🤣
@courtneyr_dev @dimensionmedia @WordCampUS Nice! I can drive there.
@chriscoyier @alexquez @CodePen What happened to Tim?
@fugularity @bengalsfansadly @lukesawhook I like them all as vessels for imaginary sportsball points
@jfc3 @anthonydpaul @round In 2014 I preferred DreamWeaver. Muscle memory was strong.
Going live in 1 hour with @bph @gutenbergtimes to discuss how we’ve built our out block library and how @pewresearch is using Gutenberg to power our news app. Join us at 11!
@meyerweb @zeldman @chriscoyier @davatron5000 @ShopTalkShow Ooo that’s a lotta <div>s
@zeldman @meyerweb @chriscoyier @davatron5000 @ShopTalkShow There was mention of a demo with a bunch of <div>s and using :has() to do some sort of interactive lighting them up or something. Is there a link for that?
@QuinnyPig @Apple @themunchquinn Well at least she has plenty of toilet paper
@sundyclan @hankchizljaw At @CoderPad we have marketing jobs available coderpad.io/careers/
@Usagi_Hoshino @neojp @MikeNGarrett Try it once and see if anyone notices
@phil_eaton @simonw @cldellow After halfway through reading “I hope he realizes he should attach an onsubmit handler on the form”
And I’m glad you eventually reached that conclusion.
@heyjones @DaronSpence @rzwodezwo @mikeindustries sequelpro.com/test-builds
I’ve since moved to TablePlus myself with a clumsier interface
@DaronSpence @rzwodezwo @mikeindustries See the fork Sequel Ace sequel-ace.com/
@agoodsamaritan2 @Gravnetic @richard_tabor @wp_acf Oh nice! I have never heard of ACF Builder. I dig it.
@Gravnetic @richard_tabor @wp_acf Like this? gist.github.com/kingkool68/cd073…
@JoannaBrenner @mr_suh @nekolaweb So many people thought I was a DJ that night…
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.