@howtuu @schlessera @aaronjorbin @TimberWP Tried it and wasn’t a fan. I like to gather my data in PHP and use Twig to join the data with HTML. Timber duplicates a lot of the PHP logic in Twig itself.
@howtuu @schlessera @aaronjorbin @TimberWP Tried it and wasn’t a fan. I like to gather my data in PHP and use Twig to join the data with HTML. Timber duplicates a lot of the PHP logic in Twig itself.
@neojp @MikeNGarrett @metalandcoffee_ Game Cube
@hey_erinj @caitlynmayers @brad_frost Same thought! No logo just instantly recognize it as Wayfair.
@UpTheIrons1978 @natmiletic @igorbenic @mgaak1dev @Josh412 @realniendoo @GeneralSAWP @palmiak_fp @CSDevAr I built a social networking app from scratch including liking friending/following, private messaging, forms etc.
@randallb @paulg @foundersatwork I can relate to this. Life gets so busy once kids enter the picture.
@drakgremlin @CoderPad @hackerrank CoderPad’s gottem
@magicroundabout @AlexStandiford @schlessera @WPAleks @haveibeenpwned So WP-CLI would need your plain text password inorder to get the SHA-1 hash to accurately compare it against the pwned password API. Just taking it out of the database (and WordPress has no idea what your plain text password is) is useless since the hash will be different
@magicroundabout @AlexStandiford @schlessera @WPAleks @haveibeenpwned I don’t see how this could work since the @haveibeenpwned API stores SHA-1 hashes of plain text passwords but WordPress stores a hashed version of salted passwords. And the salt is different (usually) for every single WordPress site. See api.wordpress.org/secret-key/1.1…
On stage right now: @RobertJacobi is talking about the @wpcli project for the #CFHack2022 @Cloudfest hackathon submitted by @Cloudways and led by @WPAleks (much WOW to him! 😜).
Just look at the list of #security-related commands they have created! 🤩 t.co/BuIe6JDEvz
@0xADADA @iansvo @teeplates @Malarkey If a user sets their default font size in their browser settings to something other than 16px, rems/ems will scale appropriately. If you size everything in pixels nothing will change if the default font size changes. Zoom (cmd/control + or -) will still work as expected.
@crutchcorn @UnicornUttrncs @kevttob Elmo has four fingers and you have four chapters. I think this is the perfect cover!
@learnwithmattc @thespacedmonkey @made_by_denis I think it is because WordPress actively deprioritizes developer experience, and as a result gets sub-par developer results for its ecosystem.
Learning development with WP is learning it wrong in large parts, plain and simple.
Wordlers lining up on timeline
@kovshenin @dbchhbr @saildeploy Good stuff and thanks for sharing your work. If my sites ever get to that level I’ll have resources to turn to.
@ckrewson @brianboyer @billy_penn I wish we built it better
@enqueue_russ @williamsba @turntablefm is back from the dead again
@raphaelschaad @NotionHQ @linuz90 @Dropbox @dr @Ghost @kayvz Here is the Trac ticket from @photomatt when it was added to WordPress in 2015
@freshyill @ShopTalkShow @chriscoyier Yeah but how many grapefruits were you able to snag?
@dbchhbr @wpengine @wpcli Things get hairy once you scale out to 2+ servers
@LeeRoyExMachina @davidfowl @engineering_bae Both 401(k)s and IRAs have traditional (pre-tax contributions) and Roth (post-tax contributions) versions.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.