Context for people who don’t know what leaving the house with children is like youtube.com/watch?v=uFQfylQ2Jgg
Context for people who don’t know what leaving the house with children is like youtube.com/watch?v=uFQfylQ2Jgg
@MrBrianHinton @davatron5000 This is the one we had installed navieninc.com/products/npe-240a
@hankchizljaw I really dig the concept of posting your “life stack” like @aaronpk does on his site aaronparecki.com/life-stack/
@jesslynnrose The Pew Research Center has an opening for an associate web developer jobs-prc.icims.com/jobs/6160/ass…
@hankchizljaw via thedoghousediaries.com/1251
I tweeted this about a year ago, but I didn’t take my own advice, so here’s a reminder for you and me:
💡Change your macOS settings to always show scroll bars. This will help you spot overflow bugs, e.g. caused by width: 100vw. 🙂
@ToddChappelle Did he watch Garfield and Friends? youtube.com/watch?v=twCZpezeNFE
This might make a lot of older devs mad but I don’t think younger devs know who MacGuyver is twitter.com/bphogan/status/12185…
Interesting: flyntwp.com/ is a “Component Based #WordPress Starter Theme for Developers” powered by @wp_acf (pro). t.co/kuWL3uY8vR
@jasontoff @round Maybe this is too exact en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lego_Dig…
Hey twitter friends 👋🏻 I’m looking to hire two great designers to my @dffrntlab team in Amsterdam. Would you like to work with us, and me? Are you interested, or know somebody? Please let me know, or respond to the LI posting. For more info: linkedin.com/jobs/view/163906594…
Clean Code concepts for JavaScript: bit.ly/clean-code-js ~ a huge collection of patterns for writing readable, reusable, and refactorable code. By @ryconoclast t.co/D6MkorDJgj
@miked1ck I wish more sites did this…
@feather @github @gitlab @Bitbucket There’s always GitWeb git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-on-th…
High Performance Web Apps by @orenciorodolfo
Dissecting the critical rendering path of a webpage and how it can be optimized
@WPezDeveloper @wardumpp @m_uysl O boo this was supposed to be a reply but instead Twitter made it a regular tweet
“it doesn’t use field names as keys”
It does if you register them via PHP advancedcustomfields.com/resourc…
For those interested in a native lazy loading for images in WordPress, there is now a feature plugin. github.com/WordPress/wp-lazy-loa… . More information to come on this.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.