@hankchizljaw Isn’t this what brid.gy/ does?

@williamsba Feel free to abuse dummyimage.com

@hankchizljaw It’s a hit here at our household too. It also appears to be the perfect length for the average US commute.

PHP friends, please visit this URL and tell me if the flag you see represents your nation.
Please RT for reach, especially overseas, thanks!

@mxstbr Homebrew for installing apps via the CLI brew.sh/
And then `brew install z` to make changing directories smarter and autofills them

@mxstbr I tried Rocket for a while but it was too annoying and seemed to conflict with Slack.
I use github.com/jaredly/qmoji now for an easy emoji picker.
Spectacle for window positioning as others have mentioned spectacleapp.com/

Hey world 👋
I’m looking for something new—
☑️ full-time (please)
☑️ brand-focused studio
☑️ remote…? SF okay

From a performance perspective, lean towards using <img> elements (including responsive attributes like srcset and sizes) and not CSS background images.

It’s our birthday! WordPress DC is officially 10 this month! Join us for a special meetup to celebrate. We’ll have some cake and talk Gutenberg! meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/26…

@richard_tabor A single 28″ Samsung monitor I got from Woot. amazon.com/Samsung-28-Inch-Defin…
But I also have a 27″ Acer touchscreen monitor connected to a PC for playing music and doing video calls.

– Don’t Bill by the Hour
– Make Potential Customers Contact You
– Offer Productised Services

We are still accepting applications to speak at @WordCampLanc 2020.lancasterpa.wordcamp.org/ if you are interested please submit before January 18th.

I’ve got quite an accumulation of GitHub stars on some repos. I wish I could cash them in for prizes

Be a part of WordCamp DC 2020. We are looking for…
Sponsors! 2020.dc.wordcamp.org/call-for-sp…
Speakers! 2020.dc.wordcamp.org/2019/12/17/…
Volunteers! 2020.dc.wordcamp.org/volunteer/

We’re Hiring! If you are a Javascript/React developer looking for new opportunities in 2020, consider joining the digital team @pewresearch. You’ll work with a great team in DC developing data-driven features and data visualizations. pewresearch.org/javascript

@dbanksDesign It’s a pretty big desk

@dburka personalsit.es/ from @hankchizljaw is a great collection of personal sites

Call for Volunteers for #wcdc @wordcampdc 2020.dc.wordcamp.org/2020/01/03/…

@anthonydpaul @TaraClaeys @liamdempsey wow time flies twitter.com/kingkool68/status/91…