@jonathanober I used to have a Photocast back in the day russellheimlich.com/photocast/
@jonathanober I used to have a Photocast back in the day russellheimlich.com/photocast/
And now the ticket has been resolved core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/4… yay!
That was pretty fast by WordPress standards. Thanks @TimothyBJacobs @kadamwhite and especially fgiannar who added the patch
New decade predictions from 10 years ago news.ycombinator.com/item?id=102…
@courtneydawn I need a new butt is pretty good amzn.to/2N60swf
Dare I say… CHEEKY!
@anthonydpaul And these? amzn.to/2tpjXsq
Pixels vs Relative Units in CSS and why it’s still a big deal:
All the examples in this article really help explain the difference and why it matters.
“Windows 95 was 30MB. Today we have web pages heavier than that!” buff.ly/2XIa9ov
“The Wonder Years aired from 1988 and 1993 and depicted the years between 1968 and 1973. When I watched the show, it felt like it was set in a time long ago. If a new Wonder Years premiered today, it would cover the years between 2000 and 2005.” waitbutwhy.com/2020/01/its-2020-…
“With said mindset being that web development and design should be ‘fun’. I fully believe a lot of developers and software enginers put their job satisfaction above their users or customers.”
@cameronmoll Remember the good ol days twitter.com/cameronmoll/status/5…
@mattcampux I remember when this moment clicked for me. I was developing a card game. dev.kingkool68.com/war/war.js
gradienta.io offers 150+ “open-source multi-layered CSS gradients” that can be copied as #CSS, downloadable as JPG, PNG & SVG format with user preferred dimensions. t.co/2rOY6f5sjO
Did somebody ring the dinkster? youtube.com/channel/UCYu1rWyr0Tx…
@elgreg @Rmmmsy Can I join the foot clan and be a good shot?
Also the turtles skate too
Excited my hometown WordCamp is happening again in 2020!
Speaker applications are open for @wordcampdc 🙌
How to host video content on AWS while not paying for data transfer or storage charges by abusing some AWS features.
Using a max-width set in ch units for a comfortable line length is the hotness twitter.com/brob/status/12070490…
@anthonydpaul Following up on this and I’m also now backing up all of our photos to Amazon Prime photos which is free as part of your Prime membership.
It’s pretty zippy as well. amazon.com/photos
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.