@feather sk8boarding mdskate.russellheimlich.com/
@feather sk8boarding mdskate.russellheimlich.com/
“The Cost Of JavaScript In 2019” v8.dev/blog/cost-of-javascript-2… The dominant costs of processing scripts are now download and CPU execution time. t.co/rogTgIKgsj
Dumb and Dumber twitter.com/Benhartman/status/11…
@andybelldesign dummyimage.com and here is why I made it russellheimlich.com/blog/the-his…
tl;dr it solved a problem for me, scratched an itch
@davatron5000 Reminds me of this blog post about another dev who made a shed danielbachhuber.com/2018/01/18/s…
@Rmmmsy Get her one of these which are too slow to run multiple apps at the same time. She’ll lose interest amzn.to/2Xb18HA
“But really, it doesn’t matter if all you write is Javascript, because if you’re making websites then the most important thing you’re making is HTML. HTML is the Web.”
@zachleat I just realized I have nytimes.com disable JavaScript and it mostly works and there are no annoying paywalls.
48 – 3 = 45
27 + 3 = 30
30 + 45 = 75 twitter.com/Wparks91/status/1143…
Check Twitter a lot… twitter.com/WesleydeSouza/status…
Like a clock twitter.com/kathryngrayson/statu…
@brad_frost Man I wish this thread existed when I went to design my wedding website way back when…
russellandkristina.com/ and of course we also have kristinaandrussell.com/
█ obviously
ASCII counts as the alphabet right? twitter.com/dorsalstream/status/…
@Rmmmsy We got these sour raisin snacks and the kids really dig ’em
WordPress host @wpengine is acquiring @HeyFlywheel, another WordPress host. twitter.com/TechCrunch/status/11…
Wow this can probably replace my desktop twitter.com/Techmeme/status/1143…
Or you’re senior enough to know how to use your current resources creativly to get out of a jam twitter.com/rorypreddy/status/11…
Today in micro fashion 🕶️ #VeraAddison instagram.com/p/BzEa-1nhjD2/
I see baths in your near future 🔮
#ZadieAlyssa #VeraAddison #ritasitalianice #psychicreading instagram.com/p/BzETcPNh2cl/
“Created by @driven_by_data for the sake of better use of colors in maps and data visualizations.”
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.