We’re hiring for a Senior Interactive Designer! hire.withgoogle.com/public/jobs/…
@RayPublicHealth @caitie @github Oh and PR means pull request. Basically a review of proposed changes to be merged into the primary version of the codebase.
@RayPublicHealth @caitie @github Version control, like GitHub, where code changes are managed.
@rem @andybelldesign Could have used dummyimage.com/1x1/0099ff/0099ff…
Use “cats” instead because they don’t listen to anybody twitter.com/BeParticular/status/…
This is neat but it would be better if they used dummyimage.com 😉 twitter.com/dennisl/status/11003…
I’m a freelancer again. Let’s hang. dpan.co/for-hire/
@joshhemsley I had excellent results with @ubnt gear.
The best coverage would be to run an ethernet cable out to the garage and setup an access point in your attached garage.
Friends and I would make silly science videos in high school. I gave a copy to a friend to show during his chemistry class. The copy was recorded over cheesy late-night Cinemax softcore porn. Science teacher thought some of the porn was part of the science video and kept playing. twitter.com/KEBrightbill/status/…
Ringing in her 2nd birthday with a pink-frosted sprinkled donut. 🍩🍩 #VeraAddison #twoyearsold #krispykreme instagram.com/p/BuSYZueDJsw/
Anyone out there?
@automattic is hiring creative technologists in the design group: automattic.com/work-with-us/crea…
Work with amazing folks like @johnmaeda @alexislloyd @DavidAKennedy @alisonrand
Only downside is you’d have to work with me too ¯_(ツ)_/¯
📊 Where is mobile faster than wifi? (and vice versa) 👇
In the US, wifi tends to be faster than mobile, but this is not a universal phenomenon. “In 41% of countries mobile was faster than wifi.”
Data source: @opensignal
opensignal.com/sites/opensignal-… t.co/wsdLwnBuY8
Oh, hey, if you wanna be on our show, @TaraClaeys and @liamdempsey want to hear from you. Please get in touch with us via our website.
Once upon a midnight dreary, while I scrolled, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious Twitter threads of rambling bore— twitter.com/FINALLEVEL/status/10…
@chipcullen @BryanEBraun You should use dummyimage.com instead 😉