Cookie night.
#VeraAddison instagram.com/p/Br6NwciHcK2/

@round StUfF –> Git –> GitHub –> FTP
I mean you might as well use a web hook to trigger a git pull on the destination server instead of FTP. This might be too technical gist.github.com/noelboss/3fe1392…

Me on the Internet when I’m procrastinating doing work I should be doing… twitter.com/kwilli1046/status/10…

Hi @LinkedIn, I’ll take my $430,000 annual compensation now. twitter.com/polotek/status/10779…

I must have a life or something because I read idly squat on @Pocket in 2018!! getpocket.com/@kingkool68 #MyYearInPocket

@textfiles This is a pretty interesting video on their rise and fall and rise again youtube.com/watch?v=YBIFoHz5ee0

sadguysontradingfloors.tumblr.co… twitter.com/nycjim/status/107570…

Spoiler alert: I still have no idea what Salesforce is or does. twitter.com/nkl/status/107542709…

Finally some good ideas around here motherboard.vice.com/en_us/artic…

Hi! Here are two journalism jobs to apply for:

A Dull Old Web Fart’s guide to the practical value of semantic HTML brucelawson.co.uk/2018/the-pract… (Publish and be damned.)

Santa Vera.
#VeraAddison #ZadieAlyssa instagram.com/p/Brjoea0F10R/

“CSS-in-JS may become the default styling method instead of plain CSS.”
Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. twitter.com/ratherironic/status/…

I am sure every single person who works at an AOL property is psyched that Oath has been renamed Verizon Media Group with a giant purple Y logo and and announcement that only mentions Yahoo successes verizon.com/about/news/introduci…

12 years ago I was listening to episode 61 of @boagworld’s podcast and decided to sign up for this little website here called Twitter.

@MikeNGarrett Is this better? twitter.com/textfiles/status/107…