Lot of thinking to understand this sign while hurdling down the road enclosed in 3,000 pounds of metal pi.pe/-iyu0v1
@jessabean Aw no way! That sucks. He took an awesome picture of me fullbleed.adcmw.org/articles/fre…
@chuckborowicz I dig gimmebar.com/
TYPO3 Presentation. (@ Fathom Creative w/ @aaronjorbin) [pic]: 4sq.com/XloG3k
@farrelley I’m wondering why you live in a red car goo.gl/maps/fxuTZ
“a proprietary content management system built from scratch”. Dear Reuters: sigh. capitalnewyork.com/article/media…
Things I learned by pretending to be blind for a week bit.ly/XJpZNr via @silktide
Be careful. youtube.com/watch?v=2UywepYhTRE RT @kingkool68: Found a blank check on the ground this morning.
@jfc3 @farrelley Charts like these are populated from an HTML table and then visualized with HighCharts pewresearch.org/data-trend/natio…
@brian_k_bailey dummyimage.com has a 100% bounce rate. Just sayin’
Horny Toad – Not a toad, only thinks of you as a friend. 25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m7hl2…
Inside UPS’ Worldport: How a shipping titan moves 2,000 packages every 17 seconds engt.co/ZXOHLB via @engadget
Nice visualisation of the Mozilla mission from @pfinette. blog.finette.com/2012/12/26/mozi…
This is pretty slick: wireframe.cc/ Draw a box, select content type, repeat.
NetTuts 2013 Predictions net.tutsplus.com/articles/genera… Google’s Packaged Apps look neat!
@farrelley No! These are a better deal russellheimlich.com/blog/review-…
Girls. (@ Artisphere for Nye 2012, Artisphere, Nye 2013 and Nye 2013 Dc at the Artisphere w/ 9 others) [pic]: 4sq.com/YIqgLR