Web Developer is the 9th best job according to U.S.News & World Report. King of the World not mentioned… see.sc/dwuCun
Thrilled to announce the new Twitter archive feature, an offline download of all of your Tweets: blog.twitter.com/2012/12/your-tw…
@andrewcohen But what if he shot you in the face?! youtube.com/watch?v=ofQ6i9I1IYY
@boagworld We just redesigned @pewresearch yesterday. What do you think of our 404 Page pewresearch.org/healt+care
Love this! The best accessible design is design that everybody (even those with no disability) can benefit from. bit.ly/TsswGH
@ChrisVanPatten Yay! Here you go. You’re a smart kid so you’ll have no problem figuring it out cl.ly/1D1z0y1p1J3T
So what do you guys think of the redesigned PewResearch.org? see.sc/FwAJAt
Biggest redesign of the year and I’m all like… see.sc/1z0lcf
new extreme sport: trampoline wall @ bit.ly/VKv2GE – ok, that’s pretty awesome.
@AstickofGum Here’s a good reason sydney-restaurants.com.au/images…
BTT Remote lets you control your computer through your phone. bttremote.com/
Did Some Tiling in the Kitchen This Weekend pi.pe/-njbwzg
@aebsr …than to be used to injure or kill in self-defense. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9715182
@aebsr As well as more of these mortality-rates.findthedata.org/…
Our past surveys have shown that shootings don’t shift views on #GunRights #GunControl pewrsr.ch/NEfciy
@JohnPBloch Have you seen this? make.wordpress.org/core/2012/12/…
December 2012 And My Weight pi.pe/-mdfidk
Moar WordPress 3.5 developer field guides! This one is about the full edit screen now used for attachments. hyhs.me/7v
@desandro Masonry is now officially bundled with WordPress 3.5. Congrats! codex.wordpress.org/Version_3.5